Salesforce is the world's #1 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. Our cloud-based CRM applications for sales, service and marketing and more don't require an IT expert to set up. value or manage Just log in and start connecting with customers in an unprecedented way.

Customer relationship

Help manage customer relationships Lets you know the status of each customer's lead. Especially if you have a lot of customers that you need to take care of, then Salesforce will play a big role in managing various data and importantly, the data is still the same set because it is on the cloud as well.

team work

Sales managers can see the work of their team members. Makes it possible to see the performance of each person that they are working and how to track sales Able to know the reason when there is a problem in sales that is caused by any cause Is there any customer that you have to help the team in particular and also helps in planning